Monday, March 14, 2011

Daddy/Daughter to the Gold & Green Ball

"Daddy, why do they call it the Gold and Green Ball?" "Uhmm, I think it was some organization's value colors a long time ago. Call Grandma Pickett, she'll know, she used to run them." "Hello, Grandma, this is Emily. Dad said you'd know why they call it the Gold & Green Ball." "Well, I don't know. Let me find Grandpa and see if he knows." "Floyd, do you know why they call it the Gold and Green Ball?" "No." After the ball, the phone rings. "Rodger, this is your mother. I've called all my old timer friends. We've concluded it's called the Gold and Green Ball because those used to be the MIA colors." "So, was the ball for everyone or just the young folks?" "Oh, it was for everyone, but the MIA put it on." "Thanks mom!"

Now you know - maybe. Anyway, since Jeanne was working through the night at the hospital, Emily was a willing date. We were only there an hour or so when all the young folks decided they wanted to go to the Everett Stake Youth Dance instead. I'm a soft touch and of course said yes. I'm still glad Emily will hang out with me, even if it is only for an hour at a time!


Mary said...

Tell Emily I said she is rocking the red lipstick!

Rodger said...

Will do!